Scl 90 R Free Download

Scl r 90Free

SCL-90-R: Administration, scoring & procedures manual-II for the R (evised) version. Get your Kindle here, or download a FREE Kindle Reading App. Derogatis, PhD. Brief History of the. SCL-90-R / BSI. Personal Data Sheet (1918). Cornell Medical Index (1948). Hopkins Symptom Checklist (1968).

The present study aimed to assess the effect of psychological screening of medical inpatients using the Symptom Check List, SCL-90-R. A sample of 630 medical inpatients who were referred to a psychosomatic consultation-liaison service was assessed using the SCL-90-R. A clinical interview was conducted with all assessed Patients. Patients referred to the consultation-liaison service showed high psychological distress. 73% of the subjects were classed as cases using the International Classification of Diseases (10th Revision) criteria and psychological impairment. The screening characteristics of the SCL-90-R were not as good as those reported for other outpatient samples. The SCL-90-R appears to have been valuable for the consultation-liaison service since subjects with mental disorders scored significantly higher on almost all the scales than subjects without mental disorders. The questionnaire can serve as a useful tool for understanding patients’ current status regarding mental health problems.

Scl-90-r Interpretation

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