Planetside 2 Unable To Download Socket Error

18 Mar *Error: Unable to download SocketError:Unreachable - No data emporiavision.comn. 17 Mar Unable to download SocketError:Host Not Found Select Internet Options 2. Select Connections 3. Click LAN Settings 4. This Is Entirely What It Said Unable to download SocketError:Reset By Peer (10054 - -

Planetside 1 downloadSocket

Planetside 2 Pc Download

Feb 22, 2013, 09:13 AM
If your error involves a typical Windows Error Screen (Blue Screen of Death), graphics problems, or game freezing, try the General Advice below first!
If your error involves a number of some kind (ex Error 649), please skip to the relevant error section.
General Advice
Here are some things to try if you haven't already:
1) Update DirectX (
Every new version of DirectX contains bug fixes so if you are having trouble, this should be your first step. You can get the latest version from Microsoft's Website directly here (
2) Run a File Check
Click 'Check for PSO2 Updates' on the PSO2 Tweaker. This is used to check that all game files are present on your system. If anything is missing, it should download it automatically. It will also replace any files that may have been modified, intentionally or otherwise.
3) Update your drivers
Especially your video card driver! Check with the manufacturer of your video card. Many manufacturers have programs which can automatically identify and install the most recent driver for your card.
For Nvidia:
4) Free up space on your hard drive
Try freeing up at least 2GB of space on the hard drive where you have PSO2 installed - This will typically fix graphical errors and loading issues, but can also fix other problems as well.
6) Disable your firewall to see if it fixes the problem
Incorrectly configured firewalls/antivirus programs can cause issues with PSO2. If you're having an issue, and have already tried the steps above, please disable your firewall and antivirus, and try running the game again. If it works, you'll need to add an exception in your firewall/antivirus program for PSO2.
7) Reduce your graphics settings
Some graphics cards and PSO2 don't play nice together. Try going into the 'PSO2 Options' menu in the Tweaker and settings everything to it's lowest setting. If this fixes your problem, go back into the settings, raise each setting, then try again, until it starts having the issue again. Once it starts having the issue again, set it back to the previous working setting.
Switching to Simple Shaders
In the PSO2 Options, click 'Shader Quality' and change it to Simple. This will drastically lower your graphic quality, but helps PSO2 work on older video cards.
8) Avoid permission issues
With the introduction of Windows 7/8, Windows has gotten really upset about permissions and ownership and such. This has caused a number of problems with games, and other programs.
Copy the entire folder where you have PSO2 installed (Typically 'C:Program FilesSEGAPHANTASY STAR ONLINE 2' or 'C:Program Files (x86)SEGAPHANTASY STAR ONLINE 2') and paste it on the root of your drive (So it's now C:PHANTASY STAR ONLINE 2'). Try running the launcher/game from there instead, and see if it works.
Registration Errors
The registration process can be very tedious, it's highly recommended to download the Google Chrome extension here to help:
Error 27 - エラー(027) ネットワークエラーです。ただいま混雑しています。
If you get this error directly after putting in an e-mail to sign up, try using a different e-mail provider. At this time, it's know that hotmail accounts are blocked, and possibly others. It's recommended to sign up for a GMail ( ( account instead.
1) Last name isn't full width characters
2) First name isn't full width characters
For the name, it just needs to be full width characters
Name: きら やまと
^The chacters can be in katakana, hiragana or kanji. They just need to be full width.
3) Last name isn't full width katakana
4) First name isn't full width katakana
Name (kana): キラ ヤマト
^For katakana, they need to be in full width katakana. I dont know about google's input, but for microsoft's input you can hit F7 on your keyboard for the shortcut to convert input to full width katakana.
5) Address does not include a prefecture
6) Address includes un-acceptable characters
For the address, use Sega's address in Japanese:
7) Phone number is incorrect number of digits.
Remember, the first input should be 3 digits. An example would be: 080 9999 9999.
Numeric Errors
Error 220 - サーバーが見つかりませんでした。
Failed to connect to the server.
Please wait a while, then try logging in again.
This is typically caused by an 'out of date' client.
Open the PSO2 Tweaker and click 'Check for PSO2 Updates'.
Error 221 - 最新バージョンへ
Failed to download
the latest version of the game.
Please perform a file check.
If you continue to experience this problem,
please check the Technical Support website.
Refer to error 220.
Error 222 - 最新バージョンへ
Failed to download
the latest version of the game.
Please perform a file check.
If you continue to experience this problem,
please check the Technical Support website.
[Failed to download the latest version.]
Refer to error 220.
Error 223 - サーバーが見つかりませんでした。
Failed to connect to the server.
Please wait a while, then try logging in again.
[Failed to verify the client version.]
Refer to error 220.
Error 224 - サーバーが見つかりませんでした。
Failed to connect to the server.
Please wait a while, then try logging in again.
[Failed to verify the client version.]
Wait a minute or two, then try connecting again. If that doesn't fix it, refer to error 220.
Error 225 - 最新バージョンへ
Failed to download
the latest version of the game.
Please wait a while, then try logging in again.
If you continue to experience this problem,
please check the Technical Support website.
[Failed to download the latest system file.]
Refer to error 220.
Error 226 - 最新バージョンへ
Failed to download
the latest version of the game.
Please wait a while, then try logging in again.
If you continue to experience this problem,
please check the Technical Support website.
[Failed to download the latest system file.]
Refer to error 220.
Error 227 - 最新バージョンへ
Failed to download
the latest version of the game.
Please wait a while, then try logging in again.
If you continue to experience this problem,
please check the Technical Support website.
[Failed to download one or more files.]
Refer to error 220.
Error 228 - 最新バージョンへ
Failed to download
the latest version of the game.
Please wait a while, then try logging in again.
If you continue to experience this problem,
please check the Technical Support website.
[Failed to download one or more files.]
Refer to error 220.
Error 230 - DNSサーバーからの応答がありません。
Network Connection Error (No Response from DNS Server)
This is a temporary connection error. They can be the result of trying to log in too fast with an incorrect password, to pretty much anything. Simply wait a minute or two, and try again.
Error 231 - DNSサーバーからの応答がありません。
Network Connection Error (No Response from DNS Server)
Refer to error 230.
If the error is happening consistently, try flushing your DNS cache. Open your run command Windows key+R, type cmd and then type ipconfig /flushdns and hit enter.
Error 240 - サーバーへ接続することができませんでした。
Unable to connect to the server.
Please check the website for the current status
of the server and any announcements.
This usually means your ISP is unable to connect to the game. Just use the super easy Telepipe Proxy to connect! (
Error 241 - サーバーへ接続することができませんでした。
Unable to connect to the server.
Please wait a while, then try connecting again.
Please contact Technical Support if this error happens constantly.
No more information exists on this error yet.
Error 242 - サーバーへ接続することができませんでした。
Could not connect to the server.
Please wait a bit and try again.
This error will happen after Error 602 if you put in the wrong password again. Try logging in on the SEGA site to make sure your info is right and reset your password ( if necessary.
Error 249 - サーバーへ接続することができませんでした。
Unable to connect to the server - Please wait a while, then try connecting again. Please contact Technical Support if this error happens constantly.
The server sometimes spits out this error instead of 649 during maintenance, but it can also be received if your connection/speed are not enough to fully connect to the server. Make sure you are connected to the Internet, the servers are up, your wireless strength is good or better if applicable, and try again.
Error 601 - サーバーがメンテナンス中の可能性があります。
Server may be under maintenance. Please check the official website for the status of the server.
This error means that the server failed to authenticate your SEGA ID. Try logging in again.
Error 602 - SEGA IDまたはパスワードをご確認の上、
Please check your SEGA ID and password, and reconnect.
The username you typed does not exist. Make sure it's correct, and that it is in all lowercase, otherwise it will not work.
ie: PSOWorldJunkie -> psoworldjunkie
Error 603 - SEGA IDまたはパスワードをご確認の上、
Please check your SEGA ID and password, and reconnect.
Try your password again! If you've forgotten your password, you can reset it here:
Error 604 - 一定時間内に規定回数以上の
Login authentification failed more than the allowed times within a certain time frame - Please wait 1 hour to login[/i]
You've tried to login with an incorrect password too many times, the system won't let you log in at all. I'm not sure about how long it will last, if anyone gets this error, please post how long it took to log back in.
Error 605 - 提携IDを管理するサーバーが
The server that manages your Partnership ID may be down for maintenace. Please check with the service company that issued you your Partnership ID.
If I had to guess, I'd say a Partnership ID is a special ID that dengeki and other companies can use to login - and this error is saying their access has been revoked/modified by their company.
Error 606 - 提携IDの認証が正常に行なわれませんでした。
Partnership ID failed to authenticate. Please check with your service company for the Parternship ID details.
If I had to guess, I'd say a Partnership ID is a special ID that dengeki and other companies can use to login - and this error is saying their password is incorrect, and to check with the company for the correct password.
Error 611 - サーバーがメンテナンス中の可能性があります。
Server may be under maintenance. Please check the official website for the status of the server.
No more information exists on this error yet.
Error 612 - ただいま大変混雑しております。
The server is extremely busy at the moment, please reconnect later
No more information exists on this error yet.
Error 615 - 選択したブロックが混雑しているため移動に失敗しました。
Failed to move to the selected block because it is full.
Keep trying to get in, or simply choose another block.
Error 616 - 選択したブロックが混雑しているため移動に失敗しました。
Failed to move to the selected block because it is full.
Same as error 615 - Keep trying to get in, or simply choose another block.
Error 617 - Ship/Block could not be found
Try closing/reopening the client to download the latest ship/block list. If this does not fix it, the ship/block may be currently inaccessible due to issues on SEGA's side.
Error 620 - 終了処理が正常に行われなかったため、
Because your connection was terminated abnormally, your data is locked. Please wait 10 minutes and reconnect.
This error means you didn't log out or exit in a normal manner, and the system locked your data for it's own stability. Just wait 10 minutes, then log in.
Error 622 - 選択したマイルームは混雑しているため、
The selected My Room is full, and
you could not be moved there.
The room you are trying to enter is full.
Error 623 - マイルームサーバが見つかりませんでした。
Cannot find room server.
No more information exists on this error yet.
Error 624 - 入室制限の設定により、
Because of a restriction,
you cannot enter this room.
No more information exists on this error yet.
Error 625 - 入室制限の設定により、
Because of the limit of people set, you cannot enter your room.
If the translation for this is correct, your room is full of people, and you cannot enter it until someone leaves. Can someone check on this?
Error 626 - サーバーのシステム上の問題が発生したため、
Due to an issue with the server, you cannot enter your room.
Try closing/reopening the client. If this does not fix it, the room server may be currently inaccessible due to issues on SEGA's side.
Error 627 - マイルームの使用権利がないか、期限が切れているため、
The right to use 'My room' has expired, and you cannot be moved there.
This occurs when you've lost the right to access your room 3 day pass ran out, your 30 day pass expired, or you're no longer premium. You'll need to earn a 3 day pass through the Fun scratch, or buy a 30 day pass/Premium with Arks Cash to go back in.
Error 628 - 対象マイルーム所有者の
The right to use 'My room' has expired, and you cannot be moved there.
Refer to error 627.
Error 630 - サーバーからの応答が無くなったためタイトルに戻ります。
Your connection was lost, returning to the title screen
This occurs when your computer drops your connection for a few seconds AKA lags, and it doesn't reach the server in time, so the client kicks you.
Error 632 - Already logged in
This means your account is already logged in. Common causes are game crashes, sudden exits of the game, and computer crashes. Simply wait a few minutes and try logging in again.
Error 633 - 選択したマイルームは混雑しているため、
The room you've selected is full, and you cannot enter it.
This happens when a certain number of people are in a room - The room won't allow any more people to join until some leave. Simply wait a bit, then try entering it again.
Error 634 - マイルームサーバーが見つかりませんでした。
Failed to connect to the My Room server.
No more information exists on this error yet.
Error 635 - マイルーム側で制限されている為、
There is a restriction on this my room. Cannot transfer.
No more information exists on this error yet.
Error 636 - マイルーム側で制限されている為、
There is a restriction on this my room. Cannot transfer.
No more information exists on this error yet.
Error 637 - サーバーのシステム上の問題が発生したため、
A problem on the server's side has occurred, you were unable to warp.
No more information exists on this error yet.
Error 638 - 課金が切れている為、移動することができませんでした。
Because billing has expired, you could not be moved.
No more information exists on this error yet.
Error 639 - 課金が切れている為、移動することができませんでした。
Because billing has expired, you could not be moved.
No more information exists on this error yet.
Error 640 - ゲームクライアントが正常に
The game did not successfully update.
Please run a file check. If necessary, please
un-install and re-install.
Open the PSO2 Tweaker and click 'Check for PSO2 Updates' to fix this.
Error 641 - ゲームクライアントが正常に
The game did not successfully update.
Please run a file check. If necessary, please
un-install and re-install.
Refer to error 640.
Error 642 - 選択したブロックが見つからなかった為、
The selected block could not be found, therefore you could not be moved.
Refer to error 617.
Error 643 - 選択したブロック側の制限により、
Due to limitations on the selected block, you could not be moved.
This happens when the block you are trying to enter is full. Choose another block, or wait a few minutes for people to leave it.
Error 644 - サーバーのシステム上の問題で、
There was a problem with the server, couldn't move to the specified block.
No more information exists on this error yet.
Error 645 - 選択したサーバーが混雑しているため
Failed to transfer to the selected server, it's full.
Select a different server to transfer to, or wait until the server allows more transfers.
Error 646 - 選択したブロックが見つからなかったため、
The selected block could not be found, therefore you could not be moved.
Refer to error 617.
Error 647 - 選択したサーバー側に制限されている為、
And issue occurred server side - You could not be moved.
No more information exists on this error yet.
Error 648 - システムの問題により選択したサーバーへ
Could not be moved to the selected server
because of a problem with the system.
No more information exists on this error yet.
Error 649 - Server is under maintenance
Wait until the server comes back up!
Error 650 - Computer is not authorized for use with this account
This error occurs the first time you attempt to log on to PSO2 using a computer that you've never used before, similar to Steam Guard. It will give you this error, then return you to the login screen. Login with the same information, and SEGA will send an e-mail to the registered address you used when you created the account. You'll need to open the e-mail and copy the code inside. Then return to PSO2 and paste the code to verify account ownership, and allow access.
Error 651 - Authorization Code timeout
This happens when you get error 650, and take too long to put in the code you receive in the e-mail. You'll need to repeat the steps of alternate error 650 in order to login.
Error 652 - 所属チームがまだチームルームを入手していないため、
The team you belong to does not have a team room. Cannot transfer to team room.
Your team will need to purchase a team room before you can visit it.
Error 653 - 通信エラーが発生したため、チームルームに
Because of a communication error, you cannot be moved to the team room. Please wait a while and try again.
No more information exists on this error yet.
Error 654 - チームの管理権限を持っていないため、
Because you do not have administrator privileges, you are unable to enter the team room.
No more information exists on this error yet.
Error 655 - チームルームが混雑しているため、
Because the team room is full, you are unable to warp there.
Wait a few minutes for the some of your team members to leave, then try again.
Error 656 - チームルームサーバーが見つからないため、
Because the system could not locate the team room, you could not be moved.
No more information exists on this error yet.
Error 657 - チームに所属していないため、
Because you do not belong to a team, you will not be able go to a team room. Please check your team status.
No more information exists on this error yet.
Error 658 - 所属チームがまだチームルームを入手していないため、
The team you belong to does not have a team room. Cannot transfer to team room.
Refer to error 652.
Error 659 - 通信エラーが発生したため、チームルームに
Because of a communication error, you cannot move the team room. Please wait a while and try again.
No more information exists on this error yet.
Error 660 - チームの管理権限を持っていないため、
Because you do not have administrator privileges, you are unable to enter the team room.
No more information exists on this error yet.
Error 674 - ログイン処理に問題が発生しました。
Go to the SEGA ID box and start typing, making sure it's typing in english, not japanese. My issue was that the Japanese IME was going nuts, typing my password in japanese. Fix it so you're typing in english, then put your password in the password box.
Error 678 - Need to accept the Terms of Use
Head to the ISAO user site ( and accept the user terms.
For this part, I'd recommend downloading this Google Chrome extension ( - It translates lots of the ISAO site, along with having a handy little japanese symbol box for defeating the captcha boss.
Once you login to the ISAO site and get past the Japanese Captcha, there should be a bit of scrollable text. This is the Terms of Use, that you must agree to in order to connect to the game. Below that text should be two buttons. Click on the top button to say 'I agree'. Wait for it to process, then click the only button there Logout.
Return back to PSO2 - you should be able to get in now.
Error 691 - Picture of the japanese text is here (
The SEGA ID you entered is already associated with another SEN account. Please confirm the SEGA ID and password and retry to connect.
This is a Vita/PS4 only error - It means that the SEGA ID you're trying to log in with is already associated with another SEN account. This is common if you switch SEN accounts to use other content. You'll have to use the FIRST SEN ID you logged into PSO2 with, or create a whole new SEGA ID.
Error 700 - プレミアムセット有効期間中にのみ
You can only move to this block
if you have the premium set.
You do not have an activated ticket,
or your premium set has expired.
You cannot be moved to this block.
Error 701 - ご使用のプラットフォームでは
You cannot move to this block using
your current platform.
Error 704 - 移動先のブロックは
You cannot be moved to this block until
you have acquired a specific title.
Please check the official website for details.
For this, you do not meet the requirements to connect to Expert Blocks.
You need to complete stages 1-5 of the solo XQ Heaven and Hell.
Error 710 - プレミアムセットをご利用になるには、
To use the previously purchased premium set, please purchase 'Premium Set' in the 'AC shop' menu.
No more information exists on this error yet.
Error 711 - このコンテンツを利用するための
Your premium set has expired - Please purchase the 'Premium Set' in the 'AC Shop's menu.
This means that your premium has run out. You can revert to free, or buy another month of premium.
Error 712 - ACをチャージするには、
In order to charge AC, select AC shop from the menu and then select the option for AC charge.
No more information exists on this error yet.
Error 730 - 選択したサーバーが混雑しているため
Movement failed because the selected server
is too busy.
Error 731 - 選択したサーバーが見つからなかったため、
Movement failed because the selected server
was not available.
Error 732 - 選択したサーバー側に制限されている為、
Because of server-side restrictions,
you were unable to move to this area.
Error 733 - システムの問題により選択したサーバーへ
You could not be moved to the selected server
because of a system problem.
Error 810 - マナーを守っていただけない場合は、
If you cannot behave in a correct manner in the future, your use of the service may be in jeopardy.
Please refer to the Phantasy Star Online 2 contact page if you have any questions/inquires.
This means that someone complained about you, and this is management warning you to behave.
Error 811 - 今後もマナーを守っていただけない場合、
If you cannot behave properly from now on, we will terminate your access to the server.
Please refer to the Phantasy Star Online 2 contact page if you have any questions/inquires.
This is management telling you to shape up, or they'll ban you. This is your final warning before being suspended permanently.
Error 812 - お問い合わせ先は
You have been banned from using the service.
Please refer to the Phantasy Star Online 2 contact page if you have any questions/inquires.
You have been banned, and your access to the server on your SEGA ID is permanently disallowed.
Error 813 - 利用停止時間はあと 時間になります。
Your access to the Phantasy Star Online 2 server has been temporarily suspended until <time>.
Please refer to the Phantasy Star Online 2 contact page if you have any questions/inquires.
Simply wait until you're allowed back on. And behave this time!
Error 814 - お問い合わせ先は
We are more than happy to stop you from connecting to our service.
Please refer to the Phantasy Star Online 2 contact page if you have any questions/inquires.
You have been banned, and your access to the server on your SEGA ID is permanently disallowed.
Error 815 - お問い合わせ先は
You have been banned from using the service.
Please refer to the Phantasy Star Online 2 contact page if you have any questions/inquires.
You have been banned, and your access to the server on your SEGA ID is permanently disallowed.
Error 816 - ただいまお客様のご利用を一時停止させて
We have taken the liberty of terminating your service.
From what I can tell, this is a special error that says the Japanese equivalent of 'We're happy to ban you, you deserve it, get out.'
Error 818 - ただいまお客様のご利用を一時停止させて
利用停止時間はあと <time> 時間になります。
We have taken the liberty of terminating your service temporarily.
Your access will be restored in <time> hours.
This is a variant of error 816 in which you're only temporarily banned.
Error 911 - ファンタシースターオンライン2の動作環境と、
An assumed error has occurred - Please check the PC you are using,
and where you are using it. If you have any questions,
please contact the distributor or manufacturer of your computer.
No more information exists on this error yet.
Character Creation Locked Error Message
Make a new character on a different ship than the one you've chose or wait until character creation is re-allowed on that ship.
[U]Gameguard Issues
[U]NP0 - Unknown error
Please try opening the PSO2 Tweaker and selecting 'Troubleshooting -> Fix Gameguard Errors' from the top-left menu.
Additional, you may want to try this:
NP1002 - Windows is not updated
This update seems to be related to Windows Update - Please try enabling and updating your Windows through Windows Update.
Additional, you may want to try this:
NP1003 - Blacklisted program detected
Gameguard detected a program it doesn't like. Please try closing all open programs and try again.
NP1004 - Invalid access
A program attempted to modify PSO2 or Gameguard in a way that Gameguard doesn't allow. Please close all open programs, disable all anti-virus programs, all firewalls, 'boosters', 'graphical enhancers', or any other types of programs that change other programs and try again.
NP1014 - Gameguard tamper failsafe
Gameguard has detected a possible hack on itself and refuses to load. This can typically be solved by going to 'Troubleshooting -> Fix GameGuard Errors' in the PSO2 Tweaker.
NP1015 - Invalid checksum
This is usually caused by an out-of-date item patch. If you're getting this during maintenance, it *should* be fixed by the time the servers come back up.
Other In-Game Issues
Windows Application Error - The instruction at (#) referenced memory at (#). The memory could not be read. Click on OK to terminate the program.
This error could be anything and everything. Try the general advice at the top of this post.
This says:
'Your computer will not work with the current settings.
Please try lowering your graphic settings.'
想定外のエラーが発生しました [An Unexpected Error has Occurred]
This error could be anything and everything. Try the general advice at the top of this post.
'Game was terminated due to influence from another program.' Try updating the Intel Graphics Driver to it's latest version, making sure no programs that interact with other programs are open, and turning off all anti-virus/firewalls. If that doesn't work, try the General Advice at the top of the page.
Game crashes and shuts down computer
This is typically an overheating problem - Try cleaning out your PC, or feeling the side of the case to see it it's really hot when it shuts down. You may have to purchase a new video card/cooling system/power supply unit.
pso2.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
Generic windows error that tells us nothing. Try the general advice at the top of this post.
Black screen after opening movie
Check that your computer meets the minimum requirements for the game. Afterwards, try the general advice at the top of this post.
Cannot see my character at character creation/character body parts are invisible
Check that your computer meets the minimum requirements for the game. Afterwards, try the general advice at the top of this post.
Stuck in black screen after completing chapter 0
This is an on-going problem, and no known fix is available at this time. More information, including our attempts to fix it, are available here:
If you still need help, post your error in this thread and we'll try to help out!

Planetside 1 Download

I'm having a very annoying problem with Battlefield 3. My game will randomly minimize itself and I am unable to maximize the window again. I have to end task to close the game. My specs are:
gtx 570
i5 2500k
windows 7 64
8 gb ram
I have the latest updated drivers as well and it seems to occur completely randomly. I have never had this problem happen with any other games though. Could there be a program stealing focus away from this one game for some reason? How would I determine which one? This computer is only a few months old and I use it exclusively for gaming so I don't think spyware or a virus would be the issue.