Kem Promise To Love Mp3 Download

Promise To Love Studio Album by Kem released in 2014. Buy full album. High Quality 320Kb. Browse similar in: Contemporary R&B albums Neo-Soul albums. Promise To Love's tracklist: Saving My Love For You. Low Quality 128Kb Low Quality 128Kb. Buy HQ 320Kb 0.1$ Promise To Love. Low Quality 128Kb Low Quality 128Kb. Post your comments about free promise to love kem mp3 download. Promise To Love Kem Video. Convert this video to mp3. Share This Page. Latest Mp3s no puedo quitar mis ojos de ti mp3 bilsemki mp3.

Kem Promise To Love Mp3 Download Free


Kem Owens, better known as Kem, was born in Nashville and raised in Detroit, big industrial city. He had experienced all the difficulties connected with growing up in the megalopolis, and that knowledge helped him to create his wonderful music. The performer’s creativity can be hardly put into the frames of one certain style: Kem's compositions include elements of jazz, soul, R&B and other genres, and such variety makes his art even more interesting. Add some stylish retro coloring and you will get quite the original musical cocktail.

The debut album Kemistry was released in 2003 and it is definitely worth mentioning that Kem self-produced his first studio work. Kemistry attracted the music lovers' attention in no time: they really enjoyed the atmosphere and mood, presented by the performer, and his single Love Calls debuted at the top of hip-hop and R&B chart in a very confident way. Two years later Kem issued his second album, which got the logical title Album II (2005). Single I Can't Stop Loving You became the real hit in the numerous Adult Contemporary radio stations. It is not the necessary fact that Kem’s music will be enjoyed by the teenagers, because it disposes for calmness and reflections, but adults will be interested in soft and leisured melodies that proved to be the recognizable feature of the singer’s creativity. Special attention was paid to the song You Might Win, created jointly with the legendary Stevie Wonder, who recorded the part of harmonica.

Kem’s third studio attempt Intimacy: Album III appeared in 2010 and its first single Why Would You Stay was immediately taken by various radio stations. Intimacy: Album III was created in Kem’s best traditions, which means that the recognizable atmosphere was presented entirely. Musician’s lyrics and delicate melodies pleased millions of listeners all around the world, and Kem achieved the reputation of an extremely talented and independent performer. The singer has plenty of new ideas that he realizes perfectly in his albums, and Intimacy: Album III is the brightest example of that.

Studio Albums

Intimacy: Album III

Kem Mp3

The general mood on Kem's third record Intimacy: Album III is romantic. Yet there is room not only for the dating-time excitement and the serene days of the beloved, but also for break ups, cheating and unrequited love in his lyrics
Album II

Kem Promise To Love Deluxe

He is as out of place with 2005's Album II as he was with his debut, 2003's Kemistry. His kind of R&B is kicked-back with sparse arrangements made elegantly rich with starlit keyboards
Kem promise to love youtube