Dune Audio Books Complete Download

Dune audio books complete download full

  • Results 1 - 10 of 10 - Advanced search: (ti:(Dune) AND au:(Frank Herbert ) ). Downloadable Audiobook - 2012. The Dune Audio Collection - Herbert, Frank.
  • By Frank Herbert. Complete audiobook from the cassettes. ~verelse BitTorrent Download: http://torrents.thepiratebay.org/3743377/Dune.AudioBook.Complete.3743377.

Dune Audiobook is a classic scientific fiction novel that was published in early 1965. The novel is authored by American writer Frank Herbert.


Dune Audiobook Mp3

This is a torrent of a torrent.
The torrent that you download from this one seems to lead to the first one he posted..
Jitch, what was wrong with your first post?
Create a torrent with trackers given to you by TPB. You will use your uTorrent program to do this...then you will have a torrent file (key to the pathway to your DUNE files on your computer.)
You upload your newly created torrent, then, to make it so you understand...after you post, DL your own torrent, locate it on your uTorrent program(or whatever you use) and see it will say 0% completed. Set the download location to match your DUNE files (do not move these files!) and, after that..right click on 0% completed file and 'force re-check' this will tell you if you have done everything correctly, and will find all the data, making the file say 'complete' 100% instead of the 0%.
Now you can double click the name and select to 'initial-seeding' if you expect alot of leechers right away. But really you don't have to, just 'start' the torrent seeding.

Dune Audio Books Complete Downloads

I would like to start by thanking bigbadbrian for taking the time and effort to upload this. It does take effort, and for that I am grateful. The following comment does in no way detract from my gratitude nor impugn him in any way.
There may have been times in your life when you've experienced horror. Perhaps terror. Perhaps you can remember the sound of a car accident victim wailing shrilly and sobbing over a decapitated relative as you were forced to drive past their personal trajedy explicitly exhibited for the world to see as a tableau of twisted metal perfused in blood atop body parts splayed across the highway as the traffic moved on uneffected by the gruesome death only feet away from their cars.
Or maybe you've been present when a cat manages to catch a small rabbit and discovered that rabbits can scream when their life is ending viciously in the jaws of a predator. The shreik a rabbit makes is surprisingly bloodcurdling for an othewise mute animal.
Possibley you were present when a mass catastrophe occured; an earthquake, a terrorist crime or a building fire and can intensely recall the screams and cries of innocent people witnessing senseless death all around them with howls of pain and anguish so distorted and primal that it was difficult to believe that they were coming from humans. The sound of lost children wailing for their dead parents to wake up mixed with shrieking pleas for mercy, help or death from the injured so deafening that you found yourself momentarily questioning the existence of God while simultaneously wondering if youre among the dead and in Hell.
As horrible as those sounds may be, as chilling to the soul as they are, none of it compares to the experience of listening to thirty seconds of this audiobook. You find yourself ready to relax to a treasured piece of literature and then only moments later scrambling as though your face was on fire to find the mouse to shut off the soul-leeching moan that is the voice of the reader, speaking in tones that actually challenge your assumption that it's a human speaking. Perhaps, like me, you'll scream in horror yourself and be in such haste to shut off not just the player, but upset an ashtray with a burning cigarette, a coffee mug and accidentally trample your beloved cat who then bolts from the room with a screeching howl than is actually favorable in comparison to the groaning whine coming from your computer as you drop to the floor to unplug it as well as a stereo on the same outlet just for good measure.
I can compare this sound, this feeling to nothing other than the feeling I got when I was linked to '3 Guys & 1 Hammer' and watched and listend as an inocent man was clubbed to death over a period of 15 long minutes. But unlike that video, this time I felt the need to cry before plugging the computer back in. Nor did the 'hammer' video make me contemplate praying to God to make me deaf rather than be ever subject to such spirit tormenting sounds again. Part of me died listening to the first thirty seconds of this; I felt somehow that the narrator had raped my ears, and that music would never feel quite the same. I remembered a flash of the Kubrick film 'Clockwork Orange' where Alex jumps out a window from the torturous music and understood the scene in a way that I may never would have before being subject to this audiobook reading. I got a shower before coming back to the computer, spending most of the time with either ear directly connected to the shower-head roaring away, gushing water into my ears as I tried to wash the memory away and forget the horror. The horror.
If you must test fate and listen to this, give your silverware to a neighbor to hold on to, as I suspect that another ten seconds and any creature unable to make the audiobook stop fast enough would simply resort to shoving knives into their ears to stop the pain and cruelty. Also refrain from eating for four hours before or after trying to listen to it; nothing will stay down and youll simply make a mess if you can t get to the toilet fast enough.