How To Download Ieee Papers For Free

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I am now out of institute, but need to download paper from IEEExplore.

I can ssh to the institute server. I think I should be able to access IEEExplore there, but I don't know how to download.

Suppose I am out of institute, and want to download this paper:

I have tried:

but mypaper.pdf turns out to be a broken pdf file.

Could anyone give some suggestions?

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2 Answers

I found, which provides the following solution:

  1. Identify the 'arnumber' for the paper, in the hyperlink you found while browsing. In your example, it's 5738219

  2. Enter the following command at your shell:

Your paper will now be saved in 'paper.pdf'

M. Anthony AielloM. Anthony Aiello

You can use your institute server as a socks proxy and download as usual using your favourite method.

ssh -D <portNumber> username@serverip

Now the socks proxy has been setup on localhost:portNumber. You can apply the proxy system wide based on your operating system and download as usual.

Raamakrishnan A.Raamakrishnan A.

protected by CommunityMar 3 '15 at 14:10

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